Trauma-Informed Yoga 3-Day In-Person Certification Training February 21-23, 2025 Los Angeles - SOLD OUT


Trauma-Informed Yoga 3-Day In-Person Certification Training February 21-23, 2025 Los Angeles - SOLD OUT


Payment plan option available at checkout via AfterPay. Or to purchase using Venmo or Zelle, please e-mail Zabie Yamasaki at


Trauma-Informed Yoga Training with Zabie Yamasaki

The impact trauma has on the body's physiology is immense and it is essential to provide holistic and alternative forms of healing for survivors.

Trauma-informed yoga can help survivors gently tend to embodied trauma imprints with care and bring them to the surface. And with greater awareness, time, and patience, survivors often feel empowered with new tools to name and address their symptoms and survival responses and identify ways to work with them. This can ultimately lead to a space where survivors can expand their capacity for neuroplasticity, feel affirmed and seen, and take powerful steps toward post-traumatic

This 3-day training will provide yoga teachers, mental health professionals, educators, administrators, activists, medical professionals, doulas, coaches, healers, or anyone who is interested in teaching from a trauma-informed lens with all of the necessary tools to create a safe environment for survivors of trauma. CE’s are available via Yoga Alliance. Please note this training is taught from a broad lens and can be applicable to working with multiple experiences of trauma.

Feb 21 @ 6:00 pm - Feb 23, 2025 @ 6:00 pm

Unplug Meditation Los Angeles, CA

Click here to view the travel sheet for more information about lodging, transportation, food, etc.


Zabie Yamasaki, M.Ed., RYT (she/her) is the Founder of Transcending Sexual Trauma through Yoga which is an organization that offers trauma-informed yoga to survivors, consultation for universities and trauma agencies, and training for healing professionals. Zabie has trained thousands of yoga instructors and mental health professionals and her trauma-informed yoga program and curriculum is now being implemented at over 30 college campuses and trauma agencies including the University of California (UC) system, Stanford, Yale, USC, University of Notre Dame, and Johns Hopkins University.

Zabie received her undergraduate in Psychology and Social Behavior and Education at UC Irvine and completed her graduate degree in Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs at The George Washington University. Her work has been highlighted on CNN, NBC, KTLA 5, and The Huffington Post.

Zabie is widely recognized for her intentionality, soulful activism, and passionate dedication to her field. She is a trauma-informed yoga instructor, resilience and well-being educator, and a sought after consultant and keynote speaker. She has worked with thousands of survivors to support them in their healing journey, ground them in their own worthiness and remind them they are inherently whole. Zabie centers survivors in her work, and provides them with tools to help uncover trauma imprints, support the healing process, create balance of the nervous system, and lessen the grip that past experiences of trauma may have on the heart.

Zabie has received countless awards in victim services and leadership, including the Visionary in Victim Services award from one of the largest rape crisis centers in California and the Voice of Courage Award from Exhale to Inhale. She is the author of the book and affirmation deck, “Trauma-Informed Yoga for Survivors of Sexual Assault: Practices for Healing and Teaching with Compassion,” as well as the children’s resources “H is for Healing” and “Your Joy is Beautiful: The Magic of Remembering that You Are Enough, Just As You Are.”


Instagram: @transcending_trauma_with_yoga

dr. shena young (she/her) is a licensed embodiment focused psychologist–healer, artist, mental health futurist, on-set wellbeing professional, and priestess in the Isese tradition of Ifa. she holds space internationally for individuals, couples, groups, and organizations committed to the ritual of calling themselves back into their bodies as a freedom practice. she owns a private practice, embodied truth healing & psychological services, rooted in Los Angeles, CA where she offers mind–body–heart–spirit care in healing from sexual, racial, intergenerational, and ancestral traumas.

Her book body rites: a holistic healing and embodiment workbook for Black survivors of sexual trauma is available wherever books are sold.

Find her on Instagram: @embodiedtruthhealing

Visit her website:


  • Comprehensive 200 pages + trauma-informed yoga resource guide with all relevant materials to implement a comprehensive, holistic, integrated, and sustainable program

  • An overview of the evidence-based research in support of trauma-informed yoga practices

  • An introduction to the neurobiology of trauma and the intersection of yoga

  • An explanation of the unique experiences of trauma survivors and the benefits of holistic healing

  • Introduction to trauma-informed practices and language

A thorough overview of trauma-informed teaching dynamics and core considerations, including:

  • Empowerment-based Language

  • Integration of Choices

  • Supportive Presence

  • The Art of Assisting

  • Safety and Space

  • Invitation of Postures

  • Breath and Trauma

  • Themes and Philosophy Integration

  • Cultural Considerations and Accessibility

Tips for starting a yoga program for survivors of trauma, including:

  • Sample sequencing and curriculum

  • Practice teaching opportunities

  • Introduction to additional holistic healing methodologies to complement the yoga practice

  • Resource guide with all relevant materials to implement a comprehensive, holistic, integrated, and sustainable program

*This training will leave you fully equipped to start a comprehensive trauma-informed yoga program for survivors of trauma. Please note there is limited space available for this training, early registration is encouraged.

*Rate: $1300

*Payment plan available at checkout via AfterPay.

*You are also welcome to pay via Venmo (@zabie-yamasaki) or via Zelle Chase QuickPay (

Click here to see the training schedule