Please CLICK HERE for a free audio of a trauma-informed meditation.

Please click here for a free audio of a trauma-informed yoga class.

Sending you strength and support.


Program Overview:

The Yoga as Healing program will explore re-connection to the self through mind, body, and spirit. In Bennett’s book, Emotional Yoga, she reminds us that our emotions often times act as a bridge between our bodies and minds, which are intimately intertwined and connected with our emotions (2002). This program will provide survivors of sexual violence a means of becoming reacquainted with their bodies, help them become grounded in the present moment, and allow them to explore the benefits of mindfulness as they flow breath to movement in guided practice and meditation.

 Memories of sexually violent experiences can be intrusive, which can create challenges for survivors. These memories can also make it difficult for survivors who are looking to establish connection in their lives and learn how to trust again. The entire experience of practicing yoga, can help survivors find union between seemingly disconnected and challenging aspects of the self; allowing participants to slowly build the pieces into an integrated whole. In The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Treatment, Rothschild recognizes the need for therapy to consist of helping people to stay in their bodies and to delve deeper into understanding these important bodily sensations (2000). Yoga’s focus on self-acceptance provides survivors with tangible benefits that will become noticeable throughout their practice. This gradual integration can be transformational and healing for a survivor of sexual violence.

 Healing after sexual trauma requires patience and consistency. “Yoga allows survivors to regain a sense of comfort and ease within their own shape, to process nonverbally feelings that transcend language, and to experientially cultivate gratitude towards the body, which serve as a reminder of one’s resilience (Boeder, 2012).” Yoga gives survivors the opportunity to find their voice. Join us for this 5-week yoga series to find deep connection, build community, and continue on your journey to heal.

 Program Structure:

Each class offers survivors a safe space facilitated by empowerment-based language to gain greater awareness around strength, stability, boundaries, assertiveness, and mindfulness. Classes will have different themes, focus on mindful, grounding postures,  and allow survivors to re-connect with themselves and build community with their peers.

 Classes will establish consistency and will build upon each other each week. 

Date and Time:

There are no in-person classes currently scheduled for an 8-week series, but this course can be taken online. Please see: